Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Emily tagged me so here I go

Tag: Your Favorites
book: I'll Love you Forever- this is a childrens book and it makes me cry everytime I read it. My kids think I am really silly.
movie: Lake House and Knights Tale
color: Green
T.V Show: I loved the first few years of Designing Women so it is a real treat for me if I find them on reruns.
guilty pleasure: Real popcorn with butter, Cynthia's carmels, reading on a rainy day
outfit: Anything with jeans and that makes me feel thinner
body part: I have great feet!!!!
kitchen tip: always make plenty because you never know who is going to show up for dinner
life lesson: Enjoy your kids when they are little. Learn good financial habits when you are young.
activity: I love to go camping with all my family. Sunday nights when the kids come over and we play games
food: chinese food, shrimp, buttered cherrios, potato chips in milk, meat loaf, and fried chicken
child raising tip: always follow through with a consequence, don't sweat the small stuff, make your home a place the kids and their friends want to come, everyones welcome.
pet peeve: other drivers speeding up when you turn on your blinker so you can't move over into the other lane, people not being honest
game: hand and foot, killer uno, and 10,000
tattoo (imagined or real): I have tatooed eyeliner
element: Water.
I tag Jeremy and Nicholas


The House's said...

potato chips in milk? that sounds terrible! what even inspired you to try that the first time?

Mindy Rule said...

Tatooed eyeliner huh? That had to not feel too good! I wouldn't let anyone near my eye with a needle! Yikes!